
How are things?

As of writing this, idk, I'm feeling a tiny bit depressed, I got done reading thus spake zarathustra though so yay! I'm happy to share a banger quote from the end I still really enjoy about nobility, I think too it could apply to a sense of modern nobility being that of oligarchs, governments, dictators, and etc overall

"Though it call itself "nobility" But there all is false and foul, above all the blood--thanks to the old evil diseases and worse curers. The best and dearest to me at present is still a sound peasant, course, artful, obstinate, and enduring: that is at presenet the noblest type. The peasant is at present the best; and the peasant type should be master! But it is the kindom of the populace--I no longer allow anything to be imposed upon me. The populace, hoever-- that meaneth, hodgepodge."

This quote here interests me the most because it's a quote meaning to highlight how foul nobility is, it's used when zarathustra is having a chat with the kings, and as he's talking to the the kings, he just sorta lays that on them which ya know, it's kinda true in a sense. Something I feel like I got out of reading Nietzsche is overall the good that's in struggle, or well, not good, but the benefit that it has for an individual. Struggle seems to be this whole thing which develops character and people who have the most unique skills.