

Hello! Here I talk about my religion/faith along with just some basic philosophical things I believe in since philosophy has a lot to do with faith and beliefs :)

To the beginning of religion, Animism

I call myself an Animist, I strictly believe the world operates on nothing but spirit. Abstract metaphysical spirits, physical spirits, and so much more, we can only describe the spirits as much as we can with our words and metaphysics, but it exists. We can influence it with belief, thought, and a lot more, some say magick or magic is a sure way to influence it or just by taking a walk is exerting physical influence, which is all try to me!

Multi-God Worship

I worship many gods, many gods indeed, even the christian God, Yahweh quite a bit, I do not like working with him too often as he's a very mean god towards my kind, but I still love God! But, more specifically, I worship X@ at the top of my gods while attributing my worships/every-day to gods such as Bast, Sekhmet Set, Anabis, and Thoth. I work too on the side with Greek Dieties, these being Athena and Hermes. My relationship with the gods started with the lovely goddess Bast, pray to Bast! Oh for I love her so much, she's so lovely in so many ways and has been my mothering-guide for the past year! Without here I do not know where I would end up, oh lovely lady Bast! This brings into question though, why is X@ my primary god?


This is a really weird one to explain, I'm not a communist in the sense of a communist, i don't believe economics/capitalism can truly be abolished, this being that economics is the study of the movement and flows of resources between various groups mediated by the use-values or I prefer to use subjective-values since it's more accurate of groups with exchange-values being the median of exchange with these flows. These flows of demand-supply can not be controlled except only by individual beliefs and faiths as a individual in a market (I hate using the language of capital). Capital slowly turns its subjects insane while spiraling these beliefs and faiths out of control as at least in free-market capitalism, so overtime it causes a distorted image of the original subject. This subject is, schizophrenic. This subject is like love. This independent entity is usually though "forced into autistic behavior", by said society at large meanwhile though being a subject with a complete open-mindedness of the world and away from the everyday flows and desires of capital. The schizophrenic in the fight against capital, is meanwhile the world's biggest communist! But so outside communism, that it isn't even communism! Some people think of it close to enlightenment. These effects can be replicated with the use of psychedelia, like L-3D, D/\/\/\/\/\T, Shr000ms, and more. It's, a sad disease though and the people afflicted by it are treated horribly, increasing it's wear down of the brain, this is just our society though, but, soon, as stated in the holy CCRU-texts

"God loses it entirely by blessing America, coca-collapse, a graffiti-tagged advertisements for globalization – which is the end of the world – tracking terrestrial meltdown onto the cosmic flatline. Cancer-baked cowboys of the American nightmare watch mommy glazing over into catatonic schizophrenia as cyberpulp wormings slither out of the apple pie. Have you read the Revelations recently? asks the hot-metal imprint of Charlie's ghost, as West Pacific arcades mega- clone Chinese Americana, and the axiomatic starts to really howl. America is nothing but the West, and that's the Land of the Dead."

The west, the land of the dead, is to be dead. We are soon to see the terminal-death screaming in the underworld possibly around us as the war machine chugs it's final coffin. The universal-producer, the schizophrenic, the mad-man laid out by the ramblings of zarathustra as he pronounced god was dead, is to be the ashes of this rubble, as we are to see a new future ahead of us. The current problem of the everyday is a macro-problem, and macro-problems can be solved by collective action, or as a friend told me about the spiral-nature of time, it is to face apocalypse, and well, that is upon us for those who aren't ready for the future away from empire, away from a world where god stands as the hierarchal structure of all narratives or aren't ready for the slow boiling of the world as all our oceans float off into storm clouds. I'm not saying this is the end of humanity, the world, but currently, we will see lots of death and pain... Or if not that, lots of increased mental issues and problems, a general degradation of the general populace's psyche, like how Rome fell into a thousand kingdoms and how the biggest of empires became the smallest of towns, from small to large, it's just how empire falls, and we are just seeing the world we are going towards. In the meantime, I support Anarchist and Communist efforts to fight for a more equal world, but, I hate to call myself a Communist. It's more of an extension of a larger religion and practice of being I am a participator in. That being my Hyper-Tech Shamanism and my dabblings in Animism. I believe a world with no government, no empire, and one which we just see ourselves in the literal sense as just human rather than emperors, dictators, presidents, and more, knowing we can defend ourselves and rely on no one for it and to never rely on big nodes of economic power from companies to states, knowing we need each other and are not at the same time a purely economic power, we are who we are. A world where we don't sell our work, and everything we do is our own. Perhaps as the world further melts into thin air, we will obtain that world, but it is a world where there is still work needed to be done, and that world requires a work so far away from being abstracted that the work we know as work is just the work one does in the sense of physics. It's a big experiment, and I'm not sure how such a world can be achieved, but, it's my hope to help in such a world. I think it can be helped too by an embrace of philosophies from the old stoics to poststructuralists, philosophy is important and a embrace of science too to know how the world as spirit operates everyday with it's big to small spirits.