
The General Idea

A Digital spirit, is much like a digimon. Or basically the same thing. What is a Digimon? A Digital Monster, anyone could be a Digimon or very much summon their own. How do Digi-mon, or デジモン (Romaji - Dejimon) relate to anything with magick or spirit? Well, first lets take down some definitions. デジ - Dej, this simply means Digital. We know what digital is, the internet, fast speending lanes of communication that connect us all and let us communicate with one another. モン - Mon which is simply shorted for モンスター, which is monsuta or monster, the end スター stands for star, suta, it has various meanings, but as our interpretation we'll look to the celestial stars or cosmic stars. The celestial in Japanese religion plays a vital part for every-day life, along so with Chinese religion, it is the dictator of rulers and that which creates life and spirit, it is heaven, the celestial heaven. I relate only to this to pick apart a hidden spirit indepth within this series branding, this hidden spirit, can be used as a way of saying "perhaps, this creatures we've seen on the TV screen exist, and are everyday hidden behind our computers". Not the agumons or the gabumons we may think they are, but there are spirits behind the screen, the computer is simply another environment with a whole ecosystem at play, and spirits alay all around us. I prefer the name Digi-Spirit, because it is simply a spirit in the lines of 1s and 0s, a デジ気 (Dejiki). There's spirit everywhere, as the world is magical and anyone could just muster it up and create it, life is everything! And everything is spirit!!! ^W*!!!!! I'm still much learning Japanese, and I lack much knowledge, take this with a grain of salt, but doesn't mean we still can't have fun!!!!! Some might call this digital pets and all such things, they could be viewed as pets and such as the life, but, they can also be so much more!

How to Create ur Own

Some of my own